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Irresistible Store + The Right Plan = More Profit for Owners

guy harvey before
guy harvey after

What Makes Opening a Retail Store So Challenging?

I’ve worked with a ton of retail store owners that do the bare minimum and expect their store to print more money than the Fed.

Some people really believe the bare minimum works – however, based on my experience - it rarely does.

Outside of doing the bare minimum and expecting the most, there are several challenges I’ve seen new store owners face when opening…

❌It’s an emotional process since there is hard earned cash on the line

❌It’s stressful to make a long-term commitment for a multi-year lease

❌It’s exhausting making thousands of decisions that are required to open a store

❌It’s overwhelming and frustrating that there’s no answer key to opening a money-making store

Why do these challenges matter? Imagine this...

There's a young man named Ryan who's in his mid-thirties. He was a corporate finance guy that had a son at home with autism named Charlie.

Ryan’s wife stayed home with Charlie to manage the day-to-day responsibilities of caring for a child with autism. Needless to say, finances were tight since there was only one income coming in the door.

Ryan had some frustrations build up from his corporate finance job:

The guilt of not spending time with his family and loved ones…

The inflexible schedule…

The lack of satisfaction and fulfilment in his role...

The boredom from not being challenged...

The ridiculous amount of time spent in pointless meetings…

The constant thought of how other people perceived him…

The politics…

The dream that he could do something more…

Ryan's Deepest Desire Was to Open a Retail Store

He wanted to improve the overall quality of his life – that’s why these challenges matter.

Ryan decided to handle each of the challenges to put his frustrations to sleep.

And I know there are hundreds of thousands of people feeling the same way as him – they want take control over their destiny.

Ryan's Story: Corporate Job to New Store Owner Overnight

Ryan was a corporate finance guy that dreamed of leaving his job every day. Scouring the internet for inventory...driving around town to find a retail space...and finally the pieces of the puzzle started clicking together.

So, he quit his forward a couple weeks - he made owning a retail store official once he committed to his store's location.

Imagine Ryan being all alone when signing a lease for a new retail space.

Then the broker says “please sign right here…and here…and here” as your heart drops to the floor.

No one ever knows what they're getting into...

There are so many factors to consider – but sometimes we say, “screw it, I’m doing it.”

Fast forward a couple weeks, keys are in hand and the rent payments begin: $2700/month.

But then self-doubt starts creeping in…it’s easy to think “what if opening a store doesn’t work for me?”

No one wants to be stuck paying 3 years remaining on a lease if they close their doors 12 months in to opening…no one wants to be stuck with inventory that never sold…no one wants to pay for the remodel and displays that didn’t contribute to selling more products…

Think about Ryan already being in the hole...paid his first month of rent ($2,700), last month of rent ($2,700), security deposit ($2,700), purchased 4 months of inventory, hired an employee, purchased insurance, and maxed out 2 credit cards.

He was itching to start selling products to cover his overhead, but all he had was an empty retail space with inventory in boxes.

Ryan needed a way to get his inventory on display as soon as possible to start bringing money in the door. Like most people do, he googled “how to display products in my retail store.”

These were the thoughts that kept going through his mind...

"I've got all this stuff in do I get it out so people can buy it?"

"There's so many places that I can put the merch...where should I put it?"

"I have a lot of empty space in this can I fill it in?"

"I can't agree with my can we compromise?"

"I need help getting my store set up, who can walk me through it?"

Ryan would have a heck of a journey.

Ryan was curious which displays would help him sell more…and this is the moment he wished he heard of Displayarama.

We created a process that has taken us over 30 years to test, tweak, and constantly improve...

That after you master, will give you the ability to control your destiny and time.

I’m 110% confident our process converts foot traffic into paying customers for any retail store...

It’s called The Perfect Store Layout Process
✔️ Instant Access to a Store Display Expert (Value $147/hour)
✔️ The Store Layout Plan Custom to Your Floorplan (Value $1,497)
✔️ The Exact Displays and Fixtures to Sell More (Value TBD)

Total Starting Value: $1,644. Today for free.

It Doesn’t Matter What Market You’re In…The Perfect Store Layout Process Will Work for YOU!

Store owners follow it to sell everything you can imagine, like:



✅Bathing suits



✅Golf clubs

✅Vapes and cigars


✅Hair products

✅Skincare products


✅Car parts

✅Fishing supplies

✅Boating supplies



✅Trade shows and events

✅Musical instruments


✅Handbags and purses


✅And many many more!

Proper Planning Has Helped Thousands of Store Owners Overcome These Challenges

The word “planning” can turn some people off – I get it – I’m a big proponent of “trial by fire” where you try something, see how it plays out, then adapt.

Opening a retail store is like playing poker - there are rules to the game. You can either win all the chips, get completely wiped out, or go up/down a little bit. Would you agree it'd be nice to have the highest chance of winning all the chips?

I personally believe opening a store has high enough stakes where planning is necessary – but you may not agree with me. Would you put thousands of dollars on the line in poker if you didn't know how the game works?

Knowing the rules of opening a retail store has given me a massive competitive edge (both for my own store and my clients'). I'm here to share them with you - but only if you believe knowing the rules could change the trajectory of your new store's success.

The Harsh Reality: you and I both are NOT the first people to ever open a retail store. We’re not Jeff Bezos starting Amazon or Steve Jobs starting Apple…this has been done before...

There are 1,045,422 retail stores in the US, so there’s a method to the madness if over a million people have done it. We documented the methodology…The Perfect Store Layout Process!

✅Ryan wanted customers in his store buying up his inventory…

✅He wanted to turn foot traffic into paying customers…

✅He wanted to provide a 6-figure income for his wife and his son…

✅He wanted control over his time to live the life he wants...

✅And he wanted to get the heck out of his corporate finance job.

The Perfect Store Layout Process could change his life forever…

This process will show you how to set up a store and sell more products.

Maybe you're not opening a clothing or boutique store, but the same process can be leveraged in...

✅Resort stores
✅Boating stores
✅Golf Stores
✅Hunting/Gun Stores
✅Smoke/Vape Stores
✅Cigar Stores
✅Liquor and convenience stores
✅Bathing suit stores
✅Adult stores
✅Shoes stores
✅Cell phone and accessory stores
✅Jewelry stores
✅Car dealers
✅Music stores
✅And many many more...

This process works in any business, but it's up to you to take action.

Are you ready to be one of the 19,000 successful store owners we've helped?

When You Start The Perfect Store Layout Process

Here’s What to Expect!

✔️Instant Access to a Store Display Expert (Value $147/hour)

In the first phase of the process, you will speak with one of our Store Display Experts so they can gain a deeper understanding of the products you sell and customers you serve. Your dedicated Store Display Expert is your #1 partner for answering questions and guiding you from an empty or outdated store to a profit optimized, beautiful store. Ready to meet the expert that is guaranteed to help you?

✔️The Store Layout Plan Custom to Your Floorplan (Value $1,497)

The second phase involves creating a store layout drawing of where all your displays and fixtures will be located. You will receive a drawing so that you have a plan on the day your displays arrive. We make sure to take ADA regulations, electrical and plumbing restrictions, and square footage into account so your set up is stress free.

✔️The Exact Displays and Fixtures to Sell More (Value TBD)

The third phase involves a detailed recommendation of the exact displays, fixtures, and supplies that enable you to set up your store in one smooth motion. Most new store owners are spread thin looking for displays and fixtures that are used, low quality, and short lasting – so we address these concerns upfront, so you spend less time and money. It's as easy as the click of a button by the time your store is planned.

Total Starting Value: $1,644. Today for free.

The Reason I’m Doing This…

  • Many other display and fixtures companies will sell you as much stuff as you're willing to buy and set you free. I’ve seen countless store owners buy displays and fixtures, just to be let down that they don’t fit in the store properly…fall apart after several months of use…don’t help sell any products…make a poor impression on customers…and the store owner is left to solve the problem. I want to help you find the exact displays and fixtures you need, on your budget, and that fit within the requirements of your store.
  • I’m passionate about helping store owners live a better quality of life. It doesn’t matter if you hate your corporate job, have a disabled child at home, want more or a better work/life balance, have always dreamed of owning a store, are opening one as a hobby, or any of the other circumstances. My goal is to enable other store owners to do what they want with their life. If opening a retail store is what you want, I 100% support you.
  • People who have failed. When you see someone pour their time and money into something without any guidance, then have the awful “ah ha” moment when they lose it all – it’s flat out depressing. Since I’ve been around the block helping people open new stores, I want to help you avoid any and all problems. It’s great for the economy when retail and small business is booming which I’m all for. If your business wins, then I win too.
  • I get to talk to you, show you value, and help you. When you see how awesome this stuff is, it should get you excited to buy other displays and supplies from us in the future – maybe even refer some of your friends opening a store to us...I sleep better at night knowing I made a positive impact on someone else. Otherwise, what's the point of life?
  • I’m kinda a nerd and a showoff. I love knowing all about retail stores, what it takes to be successful, and how to open them. Small business setup and growth is my thing. I’m tired of all the people out there that claim to be “experts” when they aren’t. So, I want to be front and center and show off what I know.

Time Matters

The reality is that once you click off this page, you may never see it again. No problemo.

We just started running ads to this page to fill the last 14 spots with new store owners.

I like my team to work closely with store owners, so we don't ever want to take more than we can comfortably handle. 

To be completely honest - I don’t know if these spots will fill up in 10 minutes, or if they’ll last for 3 months.

So, knowing how we are as humans *procrastinators…cough cough* I would act now while you have a team ready to show you exactly how to set up a new store and make profit.

We're 100% Confident You'll Love Every Second of It... But Just in Case, Here's Our $250 Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you’ll love The Perfect Store Layout Process, or we'll give you a $250 store credit for Displays and Fixtures at Displayarama.

After you go through The Perfect Store Layout Process, if you hate it for any reason at all, we will give you a $250 store credit. You must have gone through the entire Perfect Store Layout Process for this to be applicable.

If we don't fulfil in the 5 main areas mentioned in The Perfect Store Layout Process, just let us know and we'll give you 250 bucks store credit.

It's that simple.

With all that said, I hope you enjoy The Perfect Store Setup Process.

This is the last time I'll offer the Perfect Store Setup Process to you because I know it can transform your business and life forever.

See you on the other side,


Here's What to Expect From Us:

  • Instant Access to a Store Display Expert (Value $147/hour)
  • The Store Layout Plan Custom to Your Floorplan (Value $1,497)
  • The Exact Displays and Fixtures to Help You Sell More (Value TBD)
    Total Starting Value: $1,644. Today for free.

Start The Perfect Store Layout Process!